Donald Deane has held a variety of jobs, including college English teacher, newspaper reporter/editor, internet project manager, dishwasher and dogcatcher. He now writes exclusively and has contributed to AOL TV and Moviefone among others.
Donald Deane
10 Greatest ‘Family Guy’ Look-alikes
What's it like to go through life looking like a well-known cartoon character? Luckily, most of us will never know. But these unfortunate individuals all have the dubious distinction of looking like characters from 'Family Guy.'
Science Offers Explanation for Rudolph’s Red Nose
Have you ever wondered how Rudolph got his red nose? Well, Dutch scientists have finally explained the mystery. Turns out, the reindeer's shiny nose is the direct result of "hyperemia of the nasal mucosa." Way to take all the magic out of Christmas, science.
The 10 Craziest Christmas-Themed Video Games
Christmas-themed video games might seem like the best way for developers to cash in on the holiday season, but there's a conspicuous lack of these titles on the market. Believe it or not, this is a good thing, because the vast majority of Christmas games to date have been pretty bad and, what's more, inexplicably weird.
Scientists Discover Gene Responsible for Binge Drinking
We've always thought that binge drinking was just part of being a dumb teenager, but scientists say they've recently discovered a gene which could account for the risky behavior.