6 Reason You Need The KISS106 APP
The best app to have on your phone, is one click away!
As if you didn't have enough apps on your phone, one more won't hurt! Especially if it's the one that will keep you up to date! We rolled out our app a couple years ago and it's quickly becoming the "must-have" app. You might be questioning why, but the answer lies within 6 reasons!
1. Listen Live
Have you ever wanted to listen to KISS106 and your favorite on-air personalities but are on vacay? Well you can! Download the KISS106 App in your App Store or Google Play, then click "Listen Live"! Simple as that!
2. Weather
This is Southern Indiana, we know the weather is always unpredictable. What better way to stay up to date than the KISS106 App!
3. Alarms!
If you're like me and you need 7 or more alarms set to make sure you're up in the morning? With this feature you can set as many as you want! How fun would it be to set ones and forget?
4. Alerts
We are all nosy Nancy's. Don't act like you aren't interested in what is happening around town. This is perfect for when the weather, school closings, and other life altering things are going down.
5. Contests
Okay, who doesn't love winning stuff? You can stay up to date on contests with the KISS106 App! Especially when we do the ever-popular "KISS Cash Code"!
6. Submit Photos/Videos/Call Us!
Want to chat with your favorite DJ? Well now you can! All you have to do is download the KISS106 App to call or submit photos or videos and we will get them!
Now that you are in the know, head on over to your App Store or Google Play and download the KISS106 App Now!
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