5 Crazy Ways Nature Predicts We’ll Have A Harsh Hard Winter for Kentucky & Indiana (PHOTOS)
There are all kinds of ways people try to predict winter but they say nature is the best way to do it. Observing these things can often be your best bet in knowing what's ahead.
If you're anything like me you always take notice of ants. According to folklore if the anthills are high in July or you observe ants marching in a line instead of sporadically all over the place we are in for a harsh winter. Also if they are invading your home in the early winter months bundle up.
I had never heard of this one, however, the month of August in the Tri-State area and other places did have a whole lot of fog so does that mean a harsh winter?
I don't deliberately try to get close to spiders or their webs but this is apparently a big sign of winter. If you have been noticing bigger or thicker webs in your area then brace yourself for a cold winter.
I remember momma always saying the woolly worm could tell us how much snow was coming for the winter months. According to the farmer's almanac.com;
A narrow, the winter will be snowy; conversely, a wide orange band means a mild winter (all black caterpillars are not woolly worms). And fuzzier-than-normal woolly worm caterpillars are said to mean that winter will be very cold.
I mean are you even serious? Have you ever heard of such? Pigs gathering and carrying sticks. I grew up on a farm and not once have I ever seen a pig pick up and carry a stick but I'd pay money to see it even if it meant a hard winter LOL.
Supposedly, if the pigs are gathering sticks they are preparing for a more harsh winter than normal.
Whether any of these are actually predictors remains a mystery but it's always fun to watch and see. Try to observe one or more of these and then watch how the winter months turn out.
Do you have any of your own ways to predict winter weather?
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