With the holiday shopping season in full force, if you are like me, you are either wondering how you are going to make room in your home for this season’s gifts or how to pick the perfect present for a loved one. Before you unleash the avalanche of stuff hiding behind your closet doors, consider asking for or gifting experiences this holiday season.

Whether you need a last-minute gift or fell into the Marie Kondo craze, experiences are the perfect gift in a world already full of too much stuff. Not only can experiences be purchased online without the stress of whether they will arrive on time, but you can also send a message of thoughtfulness and personalization. Instead of buying a future inductee to the donation pile, skip the long lines at the store and looming shipping delays to opt for a gift that will create memories that will last a lifetime.

Evansville Area Experience Gift Ideas

Here are some ideas of experiences from around the Tri-State that make great gifts:

CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads

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