I get it, this may not be your thing (it's not really mine either).  But if you are looking to maybe pardon a turkey of your own this year, here's a really easy way to do so. Or if you always feel bad for eating a turkey, but it's so delicious you can't bare the thought of a Thanksgiving without it, you can still eat your turkey, but adopt one so you don't feel as bad! It's a win/win really.


My best friend is a vegetarian and she shared this on Facebook, and I found it pretty interesting.  You can actually "adopt" a turkey (or a whole flock of turkey's if that's your thing) and save it this Thanksgiving! Now the one issue I brought up, was I'm not sure how good of pets turkey's make, but rest assured knowing you don't actually have to take the turkey home with you.

It's pretty cheap to adopt a turkey too! It's only $30 so around the same price maybe just a little bit more expensive than buying one in the frozen food section!

Either way all jokes aside, whether you decide to have a meat free Thanksgiving, or you like tradition, I hope you are able to spend your Thanksgiving with loved ones, no matter what is (or isn't!) on your plate!



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