- by Nikki Davis

Photo: Wesselman Woods
Photo: Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve has some tremendously exciting upcoming events for young and old! This past weekend they hosted their Reptile Roundup - an open-house with reptiles! If you missed it there are more exciting events coming soon!

According to Wesselman Woods Executive Director Dr. John Scott Foster, the Reptile Roundup is “A chance to meet reptiles and amphibians from nearby and around the world, talk with experts, and even touch one, if you like.”

Next month, check out the Wesselman Woods BugFest on Saturday, July 19, 10-4. Admission is $2 per person, and children 3 and under free.  WNS members free.  Dr. Foster shares that you can “Meet some amazing ‘bugs’ from nearby and around the world, try a smoked cricket, go on a bug safari, and learn more about these little, under-appreciated creatures.”

Photo: Wesselman Woods
Photo: Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve offers a wide variety of public programming on the weekends and evenings. They also offer a wide variety of options including programs, camps, educational resources, and birthday parties for children. Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve is also home to a drop off recycling center for the collection of select recyclable items. Money raised from the sale of those recycled items is used to fund the WNS programs. For more information on Wesselman Woods or the Wesselman Nature Society, check out their website http://www.wesselmannaturesociety.org.

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