
Report Card Rewards List
Report Card Rewards List
Report Card Rewards List
As I type report cards may be in the mail on their way to parents all over the Tri-State. Many businesses encourage students to do their best by rewarding good grades. Here is the most recent list-->
Perry Heights Middle School Needs Sponsors For Achieve Reading Program
Perry Heights Middle School Needs Sponsors For Achieve Reading Program
Perry Heights Middle School Needs Sponsors For Achieve Reading Program
Achieve 3000 is a student-centered interactive reading program that identifies each student’s reading (Lexile) level and offers them a tremendous variety of high-interest, non-fiction articles.  The articles are a foundation on which we can increase each student’s fluency, comprehension, and reading ability. In addition, the students write about the articles and are encouraged to voice their opini
A Break from School?
A Break from School?
A Break from School?
Yay! A break from school! You get to enjoy food and a little bit of doing nothing, right? Not if you are a Junior or Senior in high school. This is a great time to get a jump start on your future if you are a Junior or play catch-up if you are a Senior...