
Michael Buble & Elmo!
The Worst of The Rob has just begun on 106.1 KISS-FM!  It's the first "new" edition in a few weeks and will feature some great segments from over the past month!  This week includes some gems like the blog Chandelle wrote about me and "It Came From Evansville Watch!"  ...
Sesame Street Debuts New Justin Bieber Look-A-Like Muppet
Sesame Street Debuts New Justin Bieber Look-A-Like Muppet
Sesame Street Debuts New Justin Bieber Look-A-Like Muppet
Proving they have their finger on the pulse what's hip and cool with the kids these days, Sesame Street recently unveiled a new Muppet that looks remarkably similar to a certain young Canadian entertainer who has the power to produce instant hysteria in girls between the ages of 4-15.