It is like pulling teeth to get my SO to go shopping with me anywhere (especially the grocery)  I know this isn't an uncommon thing regarding men and shopping, but I'm going to start coming up with ways to get men to go out more....without complaining.

Usually when I go shopping with my SO I think of him like a 4 year old.  When I turn my back on him, he disappears.  I don't know how he does it, but I'm usually left talking to myself like a psycho until I realize he's gone....and sometimes I even question myself if I'm in the Twilight Zone because he disappears so swiftly I start to even wonder if he actually came with me at all and the world is playing some sick game on me.

I've come up with a list to persuade the SO and even how to get him or her to go shopping with you!

1.  Tell them you'll feed them first.  A way to a lover's heart is always through food.  And don't rush the feeding, let them take it in at their own pace so they don't get antsy.

2.  There's always the sneak attack option!!! (I don't recommend doing this too often or they'll catch on) Tell them you're just going to go eat (or run an errand that isn't awful and you'd like for them to go) but then on your way back "remember" that you have to run to "said" stores.

3.  Reward them if they don't complain...I sound like I'm talking to a dog.

4.  Don't torture them, if they agree to go, don't spend 2 hours trying on clothes while they just sit and wait, get them involved in the shopping experience as well.

5.  If all else fails..just go alone.

6.  If they tend to disappear...get a human leash with that connects to a backpack...jk...unless you actually are considering it...then I'm a genius.

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