It may not feel like Spring in the Tri-State with some areas sitting under nearly two feet of snow, but with Daylight Savings Time coming up on Sunday, it's a sure sign that Spring isn't too far off.

According to the website, Time and, the concept of Daylight Savings isn't new. It's actually thousands of years old. Ancient civilizations are known to have adjusted their days based on the Sun's schedule, and the Romans used different scales for their water clocks for different months of the year.

We can thank Ben Franklin for introducing it to the United States back in 1784 when he (jokingly) suggested in an essay to the editor of The Journal of Paris that the French could cut back on their candle usage by using the Sun's natural light to get out of bed earlier.

Daylight Savings didn't become an actual thing in the U.S. until 1918, when, according to Time and, "The initiative was sparked by Robert Garland, a Pittsburgh industrialist who had encountered the idea in the United Kingdom. A passionate campainer for the use of DST in the United States, he is often called the “father of Daylight Saving”. President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law to support the war effort during World War I.

Since then, it's been tweaked by the government and individual states. Most recently in 2007 when the time frame was changed from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October to the first Sunday in March (this Sunday) to the first Sunday in November.

Unless you're up at 2am on Sunday morning, remember to "spring ahead" one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Don't be that person who shows up to work at 9am on Monday thinking it's 8:00.

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