Super Bowl Fever has begun, and the one thing people love MOST about it are the COMMERCIALS! Who's cares that there some footsieball game on right? Well, the people over at Mars Corp have already jumped on the bandwagon and "leaked" the announcement of the debut of a new FEMALE M&M's character to represent the original milk chocolate M&M's called Ms. Brown!

Sources say the new Ms. Brown is going to be a "sassy", female character who's catchphrase will be "Making history is easy when you're the original milk chocolate"! My gut is telling me she's going to have an "URBAN" feel to her, if you know what I mean, and is going to be bossing the other colors around all the time!

I've always like M&M's candies and some of the commercials are actually kinda funny, like the "Hungry Eyes" one for Pretzel M&M's! HILARIOUS! The last female M&M's character played the "sexy candy" roll! This one sounds more like the "all-business" type of candy. Can't wait see her..

I'll keep you updated on more Super Bowl Commercial leaks as I find them!


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