In this the season of Halloween, it's a time to talk about what scares us.

For some people, that fear can be spiders, ghosts, demons, and the ever popular enemy number 1: Clowns. My fear, though, is completely ridiculous: I am afraid of police composite sketches.

University of Iowa Police
University of Iowa Police

This is not a joke. I get genuinely uneasy looking at composite sketches of criminals. It makes no sense whatsoever. I don't get anxious or weirded out by sketches of regular people. But you add that criminal element and I start weeping in a corner. I shouldn't be afraid of something that can be taken out by an eraser.

I can absolutely pinpoint exactly where this fear started. Growing up, my parents had me and my sister watch America's Most Wanted every Saturday night. Not only did I think that every crime was caught on tape (I had no idea what re-enactments were), but I also got a nice fear of drawings of people. And there was one sketch that still makes me uneasy to this day. And that sketch is this:

Jeanne Boylan
Jeanne Boylan

That kids, is a 1990's sketch of the notorious Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. And it haunted my dreams. Even including it in this blog is making me all kinds of uncomfortable. This sketch single-handedly ruined aviator sunglasses, hoodies, and mustaches for me. If I see someone on the street rocking this look, I first assume he's a time-traveler. I then run the other way because holy crap it's the sketch come to life.

My family probably didn't help with this fear as they'd go out of their way to make sure I encountered it. Heck, sometimes my sister texts me this photo because she's a monster. 

Larry Kane
Larry Kane

Is my fear ridiculous? Absolutely! But c'mon, those are creepy AF. All I ask is that criminals stop committing crimes. And if they can't do that, could they at least get caught on camera so we can stop drawing them? Also, I had to Google "Composite sketches" for this blog and now I won't sleep for days! Happy Halloween!

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