Since Monday at exactly 11:01pm, I’ve given all of my free time to exploring the Wastelands of the Commonwealth. Fallout 4 has finally come out, but does it live up to the insurmountable amount of hype surrounding it?

I’d have to say HELL YES. This game is everything I want a Fallout game to be. So far, I’ve put in about 30 hours and I feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of the game. It begins with you being summoned to one of the series infamous Vaults in the 1950’s. You are then cryogenically frozen and wake up 200 years later. Needless to say, a lot has changed in that time. The main goal of the game is to trackdown who stole your characters son. Don’t worry about that plot line though, because you’ll be hard-pressed not to be distracted by hundreds of sidequests along the way. The Fallout series is not meant to be played in a linear fashion; you are meant to get lost exploring the vast Wasteland of what used to be Boston/New England.

Some people online have complained that the graphical jump from Fallout 3 (and Fallout New Vegas) to Fallout 4. I don’t know what these people expected because the game looks really nice. However, this does come at a price: I have had a few instances where the game begins to chug along at a snail’s pace, thankfully, the game corrects this incredibly quickly. While on the subject of graphics, the amount of changes you can make to your characters face are incredible. My guy doesn’t look exactly like me, but he definitely could if I wasn’t lazy. Also, the robot butler in the game, Codsworth, actually refers to my character as “Mr.Gavin.” It’s very rare that my name is actually spoken in a game so I liked that aspect a lot.

One of the big changes to the Fallout series is the ability to craft new weapons and armor for yourself. This has been one of the most fun aspects of the game so far. No longer are you picking up junk just for the sake of picking up junk. The junk can be broken down to be used for armor, weapons, resources, and a bunch of other stuff. It’s really cool to be able to craft yourself a new gun or a healing item (which you will need a lot of).

Overall, I have enjoyed every second I have played of Fallout 4. If you were wondering if you should pick up this game, the answer is yes. I even bought an Xbox One with this game specifically in mind. All in all, it’s a great gaming experience and one I’m going to be playing well into the new year. However, now the wait for a new Elder Scrolls game begins…

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