I like to dive into the Evansville Buy/Sale/Trade Facebook group to bring you the Weird and the Worst of crap people are selling. This week definitely did not disappoint!

Weird: E-cig Stuff


Let me preface by saying that I have nothing against eCigs or the people that use them. However, I have no idea what any of this s*** is or does. I assume the big things are batteries or a kazoo of some type. Also, "Bubble Tank" sounds like a military vehicle for a children's birthday party. No idea why the person is selling all of this stuff, but judging from their Facebook profile, I assume their career of "Guy who blows smoke rings for Instagram likes" didn't work out.


Weird: Prairie Style Dress


Next up, we have this Little House on the Prairie Dress that is definitely, 100% haunted. There's no way that bringing this into your home isn't going to cause your walls to start bleeding and your child to start spider-walking on the ceiling. Even if it isn't haunted, someone definitely died of cholera in it and it may not have been washed since then. Although, in the seller's defense, $10 isn't bad to acquire a ghost.


Worst: Eyeballs in a Chinese Food Box


Here we have some nice patio furniture, keyboard and OHMYGODWTFISTHAT?! Clearly these aren't real eyeballs but it is strange that you would mix this in with stuff people actually want. Personally, I've never been looking for a gazebo online and said "You know, I hope someone is selling some eyeballs in a Chinese Food container." I have no idea why the eyes are being sold in a Chinese food box. Am I missing some super obvious pun or is that the standard for transporting eyeballs? I guess I'll have to ask the restaurant about their eyeball policy the next time I eat out. And then I'll promptly be asked to leave.

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