It's time once again to dive into the crap everyone from the area is selling. This week, we've got some doozies. Enjoy the madness and feel free to buy any of this stuff if you see fit to do so.

Weird: Everything

bernstein bears

This is weird just because of the listing title. "Everything" is the most vague way to describe something aside from calling a relationship "hanging out." Also, does $1 get me everything in this ad or do I have to haggle the price on that Logitech mouse? My favorite part is the TV. What better way to show off the quality of a TV then by having some high-def Bernstein Bears on. I enjoy the way that Brother Bear looks like he just got acquitted for a crime that he did commit.


Weird: Rocking Horse

rocking horse

The only thing I'm more afraid of than actual horses is definitely this rocking horse. The mane on the horse may be early indication that this particular rocker has contracted the mange. I'm very confused as to how this horse is new and never put together when that horse looks pretty put together. Unless we are talking about the horse's emotional well-being. I guess you could say the horse is UN-STABLE! Trust me, that pun hurt me more than it hurt you but I'm not sorry.


Worst: Crown Royal Lamp

crown lamp

Have you ever loved an alcohol so much that you said to yourself "I need to make some tasteful decor out of it?" Well, that's what this guy did. He decided that the best use of a Crown Royal bottle wasn't to throw it out or recycle it, no, he decided to illuminate a room with it. Luckily, because it is a lamp, he can shine light on all the bad choices he's made, including owning this lamp.



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