Over the holiday vacation, my daughter and I took an 800 mile road trip to Texas to see some family that I have down there.

Our trip down was a little intense. We drove through four tornado warnings once we got into Texas. It was a unnerving to say the least. It took us 14 hours to get down there and we drove straight through. Once we were there, we spent some time with my aunt and uncle and we went into Dallas to visit the Galleria, which is one of the biggest malls that I have ever been in in my life. There is an ice skating rink in the middle of it! We only stayed a few days, arriving on Saturday night and leaving to come home on Tuesday morning. The return trip was much more peaceful as far as the weather and we made it home in 12 hours. I am so grateful for the chance to go down. I can't wait until I can do it again, and I look forward to me and my daughter's next road trip!

Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals
Kat Mykals

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