Board games sounds like a great time right?  Everyone loves playing games and especially winning.  But, there's always one or two people who can make the game night sour.  I've ranked the games that typically send people into a fight in order.

By: Justin Sullivan
By: Justin Sullivan

1.  Apples to Apples.  Of course everyone thinks their own card is the best (unless you knowingly throw a "throw-away" card into the pile) and when the judge chooses someone else's card, the arguments begin!

2.  Cards Against Humanity.  Just like Apples to Apples, this is another game that chooses a winner by opinion.  Except, this version always makes the judge choose between the funniest/most offensive card or another that actually kind of makes sense.  (hint, you should always play with "rando" the imaginary player will usually have some hilarious results)

3.  Monopoly.  Even though this game does have definite answers, it still drives people insane.  Someone will never make trades, one keeps landing in jail, another keeps landing on the rich person's properties and can't get ahead, or there's always two people working on a team together ruining the whole experience for everyone.

4.  Scattergories.  This game is another form of opinion, and the voting process to decide if a word actually counts can get pretty intense. #PutYourPenDown!!!

5.  Cranium.  This one can cause fights on either side.  Whether your partner sucks at drawing with his or her eyes closed, or the other team is just somehow cheating, it can make you turn against your team mate or your rivals.

7.  Pictionary.  Dibs on getting the artist as your partner.  Even if you do have the artist though, some of the actual cards are ridiculous even for the one who can draw everything, which then makes you question why you chose them in the beginning.  And, if you're playing against the artist, of course that's the only reason they won.


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