Former President Bill Clinton will be appearing in Evansville today to support his wife's Presidential campaign. While we don't have details on where he will be appearing yet, we do know that this is the best time for the local Facebook "comedians" to bust out their best "Bill Clinton hooked up with an intern almost 20 years ago HAHAHAHAHA" jokes.

I'm sorry, but it's time to let it go. However, because some people can't make jokes that aren't so stale that ducks wouldn't even want to eat them, I've compiled the most tasteless and awful jokes posted on the Bill Clinton story on some local news' Facebook pages.

#1. The Obvious Joke

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Michael decided to be the first one to grab fruit hanging so low that he actually had to dig into the ground to pick it up. "Bill Clinton is coming to town?! I better make sure I reference that thing he did! I BET MONICA IS WITH HIM BECAUSE THEY TOTALLY STILL TALK ALL THE TIME AND THE INCIDENT TOTALLY DIDN'T RUIN HER LIFE!" Also, shout out to Barbara for being the best Facebook tag-team partner of all time and jumping in with that desk comment. In Barbara's world, former Presidents travel with a desk at all time with an intern waiting underneath it. I'd say I hope that Barbara and Michael should get married based on their common interest of being unfunny, but neither of them deserve love.

#2. The "Slippery Slope" Joke

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Tim decided to absolutely CRUSH Clinton by suggesting that everyone should lock-up their daughters! Even before Monica, Bill Clinton was a notorious ladies man. Nothing wrong with that. However, Tim decides that because of this reputation, and because of his consensual affair with Monica, that Bill is not above snatching your daughters off the street like a Criminal Minds unsub. Also, Ken has literally been wanting to type the phrase "GIVE THE MAN A CIGAR HARHARHAR" since his GED class finally taught everyone how to use a computer.

#3. The "Let's Combine a 7 Year Old Meme with a 20 Year Old Scandal" Joke!


HAHAHA MIKE COMBINED THAT THING WITH THAT OTHER THING! AND HE ADDED A SEXUAL ASSAULT JOKE TO IT! Now, THAT is comedy. I mean, look at how many likes his comment got. I should be opening for this guy in comedy clubs all across the country with sharp and witty material like that. I'm really looking forward to Mike's next joke where he combines the OJ Simpson trial with Grumpy Cat.

There you have it, the most awful, and tasteless jokes, about Bill Clinton's arrival in Evansville. If you are thinking about making on of these jokes, just ask yourself this: "Do I really want Gavin to make me look like a complete idiot?" If the answer is yes, I am happy to oblige.


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