Women are sophisticated, sensitive, sensual beings that require some delicate attention. Women also love thoughtful, nonmaterial gifts to swing our way every once in a while to remind us that you really do care about us. Sometimes, those types of gifts are the only kinds of gifts we want. Here's a list of little nonmaterial gifts women might want from their significant others this season (pay attention):

1. A Clean Toilet Seat

JUST STOP PEEING ON THE SEAT. This sounds like a joke, but it isn't. At the very least, wipe the seat. I can't describe the rage I feel when I'm going to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I sit down in a puddle of pee. RAGE.

2. No Kids For a Day

If your lady has kids, please take an afternoon and take them somewhere; anywhere. Just watch them. Make sure they have the bare necessities. Women need kid-free alone time to re-charge. So take the kids for icecream, mini-golf, or for a fascinating tour of your favorite sporting goods store. We don't care, as long as they're safe, just GET OUT.

3. Comfort Food

Women want food. If your woman starts to reminisce about some special comfort food, please go and get it for her. She'll know you're listening to her and trying to be thoughtful. Comfort food might even get you some 'comfort' in return. Food has magical powers sometimes.

4. Just Smile and Nod

Stop telling us you understand what we are going through with our hormones. Hormones are something you're only vaguely aware of in your testosterone-filled man world. Female hormones tend to make women uncontrollably emotional, maniacal, irritable, and downright crazy. It's like something posseses you, and takes over your existence whilst you bleed non-stop for days on end every month for four decades. It's not any better during the time you're carrying a giant alien child who smashes all of your organs either. Just smile, listen, and ask us if we would like anything. That'll go much better for you than saying the wrong thing and unleashing Sybil.

5. Let Us Sleep In

For the love of all that is holy, let us sleep in. If you know we've been really tired lately, let us sleep. Why do you think they call it beauty sleep? Cause if we don't get it, we're ugly in the morning; physically, internally, and outwardly. U-G-L-Y!

6. Make Us Feel Special

Tell us we are beautiful every once in a while, but not just that: make us feel like we are that one in a million. It's kinda sappy, but every once in a while, we need that.

7. Listen

Open your ears and shut your face! It's time to listen! It's really difficult being a woman some days, okay? We don't always want you to fix it either. Sometimes, we just need someone to lend us an ear and maybe a pint of ice-cream.

8. Show Us Affection

Smother us with love, because forensic science won't let you actually smother us when we annoy you. The little things matter. Just an unexpected peck on the forehead can change our whole day, and maybe yours too.

9. Appreciate Our Eccentricities

Yes, sometimes we do some weird stuff - very weird stuff. Just accept us for who we are and learn to love those unusual things, or at least overlook them. So when we say we don’t have an opinion on where to eat and then we hate every option you bring up, just go with it.

10. Take an Interest in Our Ambitions

One way to really show your lady you care is to support her dreams. We really love when you get interested in the things we are accomplishing in our lives. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for wanting to be there to support us and to see us grow! Awe, we kind of love that!

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